
Folliculitis (Hairbumps) is a common scalp condition

Folliculitis is a common scalp and skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become inflamed and infected. It can appear anywhere on the body, but it is most common on the scalp, neck, face, arms, back, and legs. It is an extremely itchy, uncomfortable condition which is infectious.

 What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis is the inflammation of one or more hair follicles caused by irritation, shaving or chemical abrasion. Damaged hair follicles are susceptible to infection, and in most cases of folliculitis, the damaged follicles become infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus. These white, itchy (bumps) pustules or pimples form around the follicles on the scalp, eventually crusting over. 

What happens when you have folliculitis

The symptoms of folliculitis include small red spots or pus-filled bumps. Inflamed follicles can itch or be mildly painful.

In-growing hairs cause pustules and inflammation of the follicles which can weep, bleed and then form a crust.


Pustules are pus-filled sacks inside the hair follicle.

The most common types of folliculitis are found in the beard area, rear neck area but can be found in all areas of the scalp.

The main types of folliculitis are known as Folliculitis Barbae, Folliculitis Nuchae, Folliculitis Decalvans and Tuffted Folliculitis.

Folliculitis is an infection of the scalp, so if severe may require systemic antibiotic treatment.

What causes Folliculitis?

Folliculitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

In-grown hairs

In-growing hairs that have been cut or shaved too short cause pustules. 

Folliculitis can be itchy

The itch scratch cycle begins with itch causing the person to scratch at the site of the bump.

Itching folliculitis then starts a cycle of spreading the infection to other hairs.

The pustules will begin to proliforate around the scalp.


Bacterial infections

Folliculitis is spread from hair to hair by scratching.

The bacteria present on the scalp surface combined with the bacteria under the fingernails push the infection deeper into the follicle.

Hygeine is very important to prevent further infection. Never pick or squeeze the bumps. 


Pustules on the scalp can be caused by tight clothing, shirt collars that can cause friction, which in turn irritates the hair follicles.

Blocked follicles

Thick moisturisers and the improper use of hair and scalp oils (coconut oil, caster oil) can plug hair follicles.

Excessive sweating

Sweat can irritate hair follicles and cause folliculitis to flare up.   

Who can be affected by folliculitis?

Folliculitis can affect anyone who has a close shaved haircut, especially people with curly or textured hair.

When hair is shaved and coils back into the skin, infection is created as bacteria can now enter the pocket the hair sits it.

Afro hair is particularly prone to folliculitis as it's curly and todays trends means the hair tends to be worn very short.

Sensitivity is caused by oil-based hair care products which contain petroleum jelly, perfume and lanolin. These will exacerbate the condition because oil is inflammatory when left on the scalp and not shampooed.

How is folliculitis treated?

Treatment for folliculitis depends on the severity of the condition and the underlying cause.

Mild cases can be cared for at home. At TrichoSynergy I recommend the best over the counter (OTC) creams for folliculitis. While other cases types of folliculitis may require further medicated treatments, such as Anti-bacterial wash.

I assess and create a personalised hair and scalp treatment plan for you, which is tried and tested. 

The best shampoo to treat folliculitis is the specially created  trichological shampoo which has been specifically formulated.  There are also antiseptic and anti-itch creams and lotions that I provide, which calm and soothe the scalp. 

Depending on the severity of the folliculitis problem, you may also, in some cases, be referred to your GP.

Worried about your hair loss?

If you are experiencing any concerns about your hair loss, book a consultation and start improving your hair & scalp.

Book a consultation if you are suffering from folliculitis

Do you think you are suffering from folliculitis? It is an extremely itchy, uncomfortable condition which is infectious. The hair loss treatments at TrichoSynergy Hair and Scalp Clinic are designed to give you a personal hair loss solution. 

See more hair and scalp conditions

Are you suffering from thinning hair, hair loss, patchy areas or Itchy flaky scalp? If you think you are suffering from any of the conditions you see book an appointment with your local trichologist. The sooner you start treatment the better.

All Hair and Scalp Problems
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