Wig Making Service

Wigs made for you

The effects of hair loss for women due to illness or chemotherapy treatment can be devastating.  Patients are understandably distressed and anxious so, at Trichosynergy we assist our patient's needs discretely and sensitively, working closely with our wig making specialists to deliver your bespoke natural hair wig with absolute satisfaction.

 What is the Wig Making Service?

The Wig Making Service is a bespoke, fitted wig of the highest quality and refinement.  There are several hand-knotted, lace-fronted solutions available to suit all budgets.

How Long will it take to make my Wig?

The initial consultation can take up to two hours.  During this time a template is made for the wig base and these precise measurements will be used to construct your wig. You will then select the hair texture and colour you desire for the finished wig as this will ensure your wig fits comfortably and looks great.

What happens during fitting?

Once the base has been made, you will need to come in again and have a wig fitting.  This will take about 30 minutes and then your wig base will be tried on, in order for any adjustments to be made, ensuring your wig feels the perfect fit for you.

Finally, once the wig is completed with your desired hair,  you will have your wig cut, shaped, styled and blow dried (in-situ) by an experienced hairdresser.

How much does a bespoke wig cost?

You will be purchasing a hand knotted, real hair wig that feels and reacts like naturally growing hair.  The natural hair wigs are custom made before being cut and styled in-situ.  All of the wigs are made with the best quality European hair, ensuring a natural look and feel when worn.  The wigs are colour and texture matched to the patient’s hair.

Bespoke wigs take between two and four weeks to make. The wigs are lightweight, breathable hand-made lace-fronted and hand knotted.
Please contact us below for a FREE consultation.

How long do the effects last?

It is really important to receive the correct diagnosis for your Alopecia. Your consultation will find the root cause and determine the best course of action.

Worried about your hair loss?

If you are experiencing any concerns about your hair loss, book a consultation and start restoring your hair.

                                                          Book a consultation

The hair loss treatments at Trichosynergy Hair Clinic are designed to give you a personal hair loss solution. Book your consultation today and start treating your head and scalp problems.

See more Hair and Scalp conditions

Are you suffering from thinning hair, patchy areas or Itchy flaky scalp? See more images of the different types of conditions that can affect your hair and scalp.


Are you suffering from hair loss from over-use of chemicals or heat styling.


Alopecia can occur at any time and cause great distress.


An itchy flaky scalp condition which needs proper treatment.


A common condition affecting the hairline and top of the scalp.
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